Vincotech Hungária Kft.

Vincotech Hungária Kft.

2060 Bicske, Kossuth L. u. 59.

Forrás Katalin
4 aktív álláshirdetés

A Mitsubishi Electric Corporation önállóan működő leányvállalataként, világszerte több, mint 800 munkavállalót foglalkoztatva szállítunk gyors, rugalmas és vevő-központú megoldásokat, szolgáltatásokat és támogatást, hogy valóra váltsuk ezáltal a vevőink ötleteit. A Vincotech-nél olyan modulokat tervezünk, fejlesztünk, gyártunk, amelyek a kulcsfontosságú piacok különböző felhasználási területein biztosítják a hatékony energiaátalakítás előnyeit. Moduljaink lehetővé teszik a hatékony és megfizethető energiafelhasználást, javítva ezzel az emberek életét világszerte és fenntartható jövőt teremtve.

Aktuális állásajánlatok

Headquartered in Unterhaching near Munich, Germany, we also own and operate a plant in Bicske, Hungary, and maintain sales offices around the world. Our global team of 900 people welcomes you to Vincotech, a Mitsubishi Electric Corporation company. We ambitiously tackle the surging demand for efficient power conversion. Our innovative power modules bring our customers’ best ideas to life and facilitate market-leading, energy-efficient applications. With speed and flexibility, we improve people’s lives around the world and create a sustainable future. We attribute our international success to our unstoppable team. Our amazing employees leverage each other’s strengths and support one another unconditionally to succeed together. Every individual is key to our exceptional performance. Each is appreciated and empowered to make the most of their potential. We are motivated and rightly so, for our work is impactful. Our promise to you is clear: We bring our customers’ best ideas to life. Join us and empower meaningful ideas.



Headquartered in Unterhaching near Munich, Germany, we also own and operate a plant in Bicske, Hungary, and maintain sales offices around the world. Our global team of 900 people welcomes you to Vincotech, a Mitsubishi Electric Corporation company. We ambitiously tackle the surging demand for efficient power conversion. Our innovative power modules bring our customers’ best ideas to life and facilitate market-leading, energy-efficient applications. With speed and flexibility, we improve people’s lives around the world and create a sustainable future. We attribute our international success to our unstoppable team. Our amazing employees leverage each other’s strengths and support one another unconditionally to succeed together. Every individual is key to our exceptional performance. Each is appreciated and empowered to make the most of their potential. We are motivated and rightly so, for our work is impactful. Our promise to you is clear: We bring our customers’ best ideas to life. Join us and empower meaningful ideas.
Headquartered in Unterhaching near Munich, Germany, we also own and operate a plant in Bicske, Hungary, and maintain sales offices around the world. Our global team of 900 people welcomes you to Vincotech, a Mitsubishi Electric Corporation company. We ambitiously tackle the surging demand for efficient power conversion. Our innovative power modules bring our customers’ best ideas to life and facilitate market-leading, energy-efficient applications. With speed and flexibility, we improve people’s lives around the world and create a sustainable future. We attribute our international success to our unstoppable team. Our amazing employees leverage each other’s strengths and support one another unconditionally to succeed together. Every individual is key to our exceptional performance. Each is appreciated and empowered to make the most of their potential. We are motivated and rightly so, for our work is impactful. Our promise to you is clear: We bring our customers’ best ideas to life. Join us and empower meaningful ideas.
Headquartered in Unterhaching near Munich, Germany, we also own and operate a plant in Bicske, Hungary, and maintain sales offices around the world. Our global team of 900 people welcomes you to Vincotech, a Mitsubishi Electric Corporation company. We ambitiously tackle the surging demand for efficient power conversion. Our innovative power modules bring our customers’ best ideas to life and facilitate market-leading, energy-efficient applications. With speed and flexibility, we improve people’s lives around the world and create a sustainable future. We attribute our international success to our unstoppable team. Our amazing employees leverage each other’s strengths and support one another unconditionally to succeed together. Every individual is key to our exceptional performance. Each is appreciated and empowered to make the most of their potential. We are motivated and rightly so, for our work is impactful. Our promise to you is clear: We bring our customers’ best ideas to life. Join us and empower meaningful ideas.